Hi there :)

So it began...

IdeaMonk was bored so I had to write something quick...

We call it PyMos, it should've been called it PyMosaic, but that sounds too long and
doesn't matter at all now.

It does something like this to input.jpg using collection/* as seen here -

How to make your own -
  grab some image, put it as input.jpg besides script
  grab some matching color images, push them into collection (any folder you like)
  , keep small images
  how to - goto flickr.com search something, n.times do{ rightclick, save }
  run the script, let it work
  stare/zoom around output.png, show it to friends, feel k3wl

Then one night came YuviPanda and he hacked a little, hacked some more, and
hacked till sunrise to add most of the + on the todos


                ____        __  ___
               / __ \__  __/  |/  /___  _____
              / /_/ / / / / /|_/ / __ \/ ___/
             / ____/ /_/ / /  / / /_/ (__  )
            /_/    \__, /_/  /_/\____/____/
Well that's the blabla part, we've been working consistently on the project and we think there is always an opportunity of improvement, extension, etc etc... So, if you ever have anything to say, or any suggestion/question, do mail any of us - * Abhishek Mishra < ideamonk -- gmail.com > ideamonk.blogspot.com * Yuvi Panda < me -- yuvi.in > yuvi.in Feel free to use our code, fork it whenever you feel like.